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segunda-feira, 23 de junho de 2014

Festa Nacional e orgulho português


Missa homenageia Aristides de Sousa Mendes

Aristides de Sousa Mendes, o diplomata português que salvou milhares de judeus na Segunda Guerra Mundial, foi ontem  recordado numa missa celebrada pelo arcebispo do Luxemburgo na capital luxemburguesa. Entre os vistos assinados pelo cônsul de Bordéus estavam os concedidos à família grã-ducal.

(CS) Luxembourg's Archbishop Jean-Claude Hollerich on Monday afternoon welcomed the Grand Ducal family to Notre Dame Cathedral for the traditional Te Deum, which brough together faith leaders from the country's multiple religious communities.
Led by the Archbishop, the service also included prayers by Chief Rabbi Alain Nacache, Imam Halil Ahmetspahic and Anglican Church Chaplain Christopher Lyon.
Hollerich spoke affectionately of the Grand Duke in front of a packed audience at the mass, which was also open to attend for the public. “That the cathedral is so full, is a sign, that the Luxembourg people stand by you, Monseigneur, and your family,” he said. “You are the symbol and guarantor of our freedom.”
Te Deum, em ação de graças!

E  a parada militar

(CS) Luxembourg's Hereditary Grand Ducal couple, Guillaume and Stéphanie, stopped by Esch/Alzette on their traditional visit to the city on the eve of National Day.http://www.wort.lu/en/luxembourg/esch-alzette-warm-welcome-for-guillaume-and-stephanie-53a7b686b9b398870803bc62(CS) Luxembourg's Hereditary Grand Ducal couple, Guillaume and Stéphanie, stopped by Esch/Alzette on their traditional visit to the city on the eve of National Day.Ontem houve fogo de artifício

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